
Cecilia Ziano, violino
Clara Franziska Schötensack, violino
Francesca Piccioni, viola
Giorgio Casati, violoncello

The Lyskamm Quartet was founded in 2008 within the G.Verdi Conservatoire of Milan and is the winner of the the chamber music prize “Claudio Abbado” Borletti – Buitoni Trust 2016. 

Since 2014 Quartetto Lyskamm received the second prize and the ProQuartet special prize at the international competition Franz Schubert und die Musik der Moderne in Graz, the Jeunesse Musicale Deutschland prize at the International Chamber Music Campus in Weikersheim, the Possehl Stiftung award and the Vittorio Rimbotti award of the European Chamber Music Academy. They recently won the first prize at the Gianni Bergamo Classic Music Award in Lugano. 

The Quartet has performed for many important concert seasons in Italy and Europe, such as the Società del Quartetto of Milano, the Mito Festival, Rheingau Musik Festival, the Brahms Festival in Luebeck, the Unione Musicale and the Lingotto Musica of Turin, the Amici della Musica of Florence, Musica Insieme Bologna. It is currently quartet in residence at the Padua’s Amici della Musica. Recent collaborators have included fellow Italian musicians such as cellist Mario Brunello, percussionist Simone Rubino and pianists Gabriele Carcano and Alessandro Taverna. 

Quartetto Lyskamm is supported by Cidim (Comitato Nazionale Italiano Musica) and was supported by the Ad Infinitum Foundation. In January 2016, the Quartet was guest artist at Aldeburgh Music in Suffolk, England. 

From 2009 to 2011, the Quartet was mentored by the Artemis Quartet, before joining the European Chamber Music Academy circuit, meeting important teachers such as Hatto Beyerle, Johannes Meissl, Heime Mueller, Ferenc Rados, Antonello Farulli, Claus Christian Schuster, Jerome Pernoo, Christophe Giovaninetti and Andrea Nannoni. 

The Quartet studied with Heime Mueller at the Musikhochschule Luebeck. 

For the upcoming three seasons (2019-2021), Quartetto Lyskamm will be artist in residence at the Accademia Filarmonica Romana in Rome.

In January 2019 will be released their recording debut with “Amadeus”, most important italian magazine about classical music. 



Our recording about Bartók’s quartets is out!!


14 June 2021
Bartók is ONLINE everywhere!

14 June 2021
Quartetto Lyskamm artist in residence at ” Accademia Filarmonica Romana ” for the next three years!

We will be artist in residence performing all Beethoven op. 18 quartets, and the Bartok six quartets. So excited!!

8 October 2018
Bartòk recording project

HERE THE LINK TO THE PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND CROWDFUNDING: https://www.musicraiser.com/it//projects/9990 GRAZIE! Quartetto Lyskamm  

19 April 2018
Quartetto Lyskamm just won first prize at “Gianni Bergamo Classic Music Award” in Lugano!

4 October 2017
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